Preaching the Eucharist, 3

Are we boldly preaching the Eucharist in the world? What message are we sending to those around us who may not believe? Do we have a message to send?

By the tabernacle in every church, there is a sanctuary lamp. It burns steadfast day and night, telling all who enter where the Eucharistic Lord dwells. Let it be a strong symbol for us. As Our Lord, Jesus Christ has said “You are the light of the world.” Heat always moves from a hotter object to a colder one which means we must be hot in order to spread that light.  It must be an authentic light, not dirty or faint or flickering. The primary way we evangelize is by the means of authentic Catholicism. What does it mean to be “authentic”? When we say a food is authentic, we often mean that it comes from the source, from a wellspring of tradition and wisdom that has carefully prepared the dishes over time, something that is diligent and loving, not thrown together. In a way, we can speak of an “authentic” Catholicism like this. However it is much more.

When a parish community is carrying the Blessed Sacrament through the streets, in broad daylight amidst many passerby, holding candles, swinging incense, singing a hymn that is well over 500 years old. That is authentic Catholicism.

A priest in his black clericals and white collar, a purple stole draped over his shoulders, listening to confessions in a busy airport. That is authentic Catholicism.

Standing on the sidewalk, praying a rosary, quietly reading the Liturgy of the Hours in a crowded cafe, that is authentic Catholicism. Visiting a sick man who is beaten down, weary and neglected, staying to pray with him, that is authentic Catholicism.  Stopping amidst your daily errands to buy a sandwich for a homeless man outside of Walmart, that is authentic Catholicism.

When someone visits your parish and asks: “Why should I come here instead of at the Baptist church down the road?” and you tell them: “Because Jesus Christ, in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, stands here at the altar, loving you and asking you to love Him- so He can give you everything,” that is authentic Catholicism.

Not shrinking away, not trying to hide or compromise. Loving God and loving the other. Being an ear ready to listen to those who are hurting, having lips ready to explain the faith to anyone who asks, a heart willing to feed the humanity’s hunger for God. A timid “yellow-bellied” faith that tries to blend in and be safe won’t move anyone. It won’t address the needs of our time. A mere mediocrity will not speak to our generation nor will a faith which is only a matter of duty and not a matter of conviction. As Scripture says:” I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” – Revelation 3:16

Our mission as a Eucharistic people is to feed the hungering world, to give them God. The love of Jesus Christ compels us to have a Catholicism which will move and shake the world. We are called to make a bold witness, unafraid, unabashed, foolishly in love, willing to say “Yes Lord, we believe.”

Preaching the Eucharist, 2

One major way we can preach the Eucharist is by inviting others to the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, letting them see what we do in worship. “Jesus said, `Come and see.’ They went and saw the place where Jesus was staying.” – John1:39. Does our worship reflect our belief in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist? Does the church building and music lift our minds to God and to prayer? Do our gestures, words and actions point to Him? Are our prayers focused on His awe, majesty and eternal love? Attitudes towards the Mass where people are closed in on themselves and an impression of entertainment is given or where private agendas take central place, deprive the faithful. Any valid Mass that gives honor and glory to God, fills the faithful.

Sadly in this day and age, we are experiencing a climate where our Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is sometimes abused and misused in ways that can grossly point away from the real presence of Christ. People no longer believe in Jesus’s sacrifice in the Mass, they become confused as to why, what seems to be just a social gathering, is obligatory and central to their faith. They do not perceive the wondrous sacrifice unfolding before their eyes. Stripped of enriching symbols, the reality is hidden away from them. When Masses are celebrated without a sense God is truly there, people ultimately walk away. They walk away from the visible Church, from the Eucharist, from the Source of all life.

Unless something is done, something that is positive and respectful of our Church’s traditions while properly following the guidelines of Vatican II, division and spiritual famine will continue. We have a vast treasury of traditions, teachings, sacred music and symbols to make the liturgy responsive to the hungers of the world. When we put them to full use, the Eucharistic Lord will be boldly preached.

Preaching the Eucharist, 1

It is ingrained in who we are as Christians, and heralds of the Gospel, to preach the Eucharist at all times, in our daily actions, works, prayers and sacrifices, in our attitudes and beliefs.  We call the entire world, the whole brokenness of humanity to a Divine Banquet, a marriage with the Lamb of God. Christ has already called us His betrothed. What more is there to do than summon the entire world into His presence? What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him? – Deuteronomy 4:7. In the Mass we are entering the celebration of heaven, with a multitude of angels and saints. We cry out with all creation, saying “Amen. Come Lord Jesus!” – Revelation 22:20

The world is starved for light, for truth and hope. Bathed in darkness, humanity cries out for a Savior. The answer to their sorrows waits in the tabernacle of every Catholic Church. How often is this fact overlooked! How often we ignore Our Lord in the tabernacle, on the altar? The Body of Christ, sent to heal this world, the Church offers the remedy and partakes of it’s curative bounty. What poor charity it would be not to tell others of this healing. As the hand of Christ, we reach out to our sick neighbors. As the lips of Christ, we tell them where to find the medicine for their souls. To the starving man, we say “I know where you can find bread. Follow me.”

Once we’ve encountered our Messianic Bridegroom in the Sacrifice of the Mass, duty, but most of all charity, urges us to announce this aloud to the world. The ringing of the bells before Mass is a great symbol of this summons. Everyone nearby can hear the loud, joyful ringing and it immediately provokes curiosity in the unbeliever. Stopping, he asks himself: “What wonderful thing is happening there that they must make so much noise about it?” Like the King’s servants in the parable of the wedding feast, we are sent into the streets, ringing out good news, inviting guests to the wedding. We invite whomever we may find, knowing the Eucharistic Lord desires to abide with all persons.